Under Construction Projects
Notice: Millbrook Power Centre Update
Tuesday, April 21st, 2020
Next week you will notice construction beginning in the Millbrook Power Centre for our new Gaming building across from the Super 8. Although we are still guiding our way through unprecedented times with COVID19, the Millbrook Chief and Council have decided to continue moving forward with this project as safely and as productively as possible. For more information, visit the Power Centre section of our website at https://www.millbrookband.com/millbrook-power-centre.
The state of emergency enacted by the provincial government on March 2020 deemed Construction as an essential service. There are extra precautions in place for everyone’s safety that have been developed by our selected Contractor Lindsay Construction. Millbrook will be abiding by these recommendations to ensure our communities safety.
Construction will run through the summer months with an opening of the new Gaming Facility, which will also house the head office for the Millbrook Gaming Corporation in late October/Early November of this year. Our Gaming operation will once again be a main source of revenue for our community. The Millbrook Chief and Council believe that moving forward with this project will be beneficial to the community when these difficult times are over.
Millbrook’s priority is and will continue to be the community’s health, safety and doing our part to flatten the curve. If anything changes with the construction industry, and if the Millbrook Chief and Council decide to halt Construction due to COVID-19 Concerns, it will fall under the directive of our public health professionals. We will make the best decision for everyone impacted.
Thank you,
Millbrook Chief and Council.