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Pet Wellness Day     

The SPCA will be at the Millbrook Gym at 852 Willow St in Millbrook on Monday, November 8th, 2021. On a first come first serve basis, Millbrook community members can bring their dog or cat for:

·      Wellness exam

·      Flea/Parasite treatment

·      Vaccination


Participants bringing their pet for wellness checkups and vaccines, MUST NOT currently have an established relationship with a local veterinarian. If you have taken your pet to see a vet in the past 12 months for the following you would not be eligible:

*Vaccines and booster vaccines

*Medical reasons- illnesses/ injuries

*Additional wellness examinations/check-ups

SPCA staff will be asking this question when you arrive.  

There is no charge for pet owners for this service.

When: Monday, November 8th, 2021

Where: Millbrook Gym, 852 Willow St, Millbrook

Time: 9:30 am to 3 pm ( we will take a ½hour lunch at 12:30 ) 


Please have your dogs on a leash and cats in a carrier or a leash, if your dog is nervous around strangers, you may be asked to place a muzzle on your pet for the safety of everyone.

Please wear your mask!