Radon Testing Program
Millbrook First Nation in partnership with Health Canada will be testing all our homes for radon over the next two years. The streets that will be taking part in this years test kit challenge include:
Church Rd
Gerald Ave
Willow St
Rachael Lane
Marshall Lane
Julien Lane
Brooks Lane
Martin Crescent
Abenaki Rd
Fern Dr
Spruce Ave
Autumn Dr
Townsview Dr
James St
Tower Rd
The test kit challenge will take place next year too, so any homes that are not included this year will be included next year.
To view the letter going out to selected homes with information on what to expect see below, along with a video explaining what radon is, the dangers of exposure, and how testing and mitigation work.
For more information please contact the Housing Department:
(902) 897-9199 lpaul@millbrookfn.ca clangille@millbrookfn.ca