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Attention Candidates running in the 2020 Millbrook Elections, campaign signs in the Millbrook Power Centre are not authorized. If anyone already has a sign placed in the Millbrook Power Centre, we kindly ask you to remove them. The Millbrook Power Centre is not common band land; it's designated commercial property. Additionally, election signs on road signs and highway signs are not authorized.
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Millbrook First Nation will be held at the Community Hall, 70 Church Rd, Millbrook First Nation, B2N 6Y7 on Thursday the 16th day of January 2020, beginning at 6 o'clock p.m. and lasting for at least three hours, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the positions of chief and councillors on the Band Council of the said Band, for the next ensuing term. There are 12 councillor positions and one position for chief available. The election will be held at the Community Hall, 70 Church Rd., Millbrook First Nation, B2N 6Y7 on Thursday, the 27 day of February 2020.
Please note that any voter may nominate candidates by using a mail-in nomination form. You can either deliver or mail-in a written nomination and a completed, signed and witnessed voter declaration form to the Electoral Officer before the time set for the nomination meeting OR you may nominate candidates orally at the nomination meeting. Mailed nominations not received by the Electoral Officer before the time set for nomination meeting are void. Also, note that any voter may vote by mail-in ballot.
Given under my hand at ELSIPOGTOG FIRST NATION, this 16TH day of December 2019.
Signature of Electoral Officer
Phone No: (506) 523 - 4811 Fax No: (506) 523 - 4811
Earlier today, I shared some important news with our staff and wanted to share it with the whole community. It is a matter I take very seriously and I encourage you to reach out directly with any questions or concerns. Please read the message below and / or attached.
Subject: 1919 results - Millbrook
Numbers of voters entitled to vote: 1,483
Number of voters who voted: 899
Number of voters who voted in favour: 795
Number of voters who voted against: 100
Number of rejected votes: 4
Subject: Duncan MacMillan/Tufts Cove Results
Number of voters entitled to vote: 1,483
Number of voters who voted: 900
Number of voters who voted in favour: 802
Number of voters who voted against: 94
Number of rejected ballots: 4
October 10, 2019
At the last duly convened Chief and Council meetings held on September 9, 2019, and October 8, 2019, the following decisions were established:
1. There are to be no social advances and everyone is to pick up their own cheques, unless an arrangement is made with the Social Administer beforehand.
2. All medical requests are to be referred to the Health Centre, and if someone is asking for a medical cheque, they will have to wait until the Medical Centre informs the Social Department whether the client has received assistance or not.
3. Emergency cheques will not be issued until a proper investigation has completed; Supporting documentation is expected. We will not tolerate harassment. Those clients who harass staff may be subject to restricted access to the Band Office and their calls will not be accepted.
4. Direct Deposit is not an avenue that the Chief and Council wants to pursue, as it could lead to further abuse. All welfare cheques are to be picked up in person or mailed to the recipient’s home address.
5. Any Social client with a commercial business operating from their home will not be eligible for assistance of any kind from the Millbrook Social Department.
Millbrook Chief and Council in partnership with Millbrook RCMP extend an invitation to the community to attend a community engagement session. This session will be aimed to seek community input and to promote conversations centered around the topic of drugs.
This event will be conducted as a question and answer panel with representatives from both Millbrook Chief and Council and Millbrook RCMP in attendance.