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Posts in Education
Summer Camp Information

Summer Camp Information

Registration day

  • July 8th at all the camp sites

Camp dates

Tiny Tots

  • Contact Jessica at (902) 957-0508 Registration on July 8th for them at Millbrook Early Education Centre.

  • Kids going into primary is July 11th to July 29th.

  • Kids going into grade 1 is August 1st to August 17th.


  • First day of camp is July 11th, and the last day of camp is August 17th.

Camp sites

  • Tiny Tots summer camp at the Millbrook Early Education Centre.

  • Sports summer camp at the Millbrook Gymnasium.

  • Recreation summer camp in the basement of the Community Hall.

  • Youth summer camp at the Youth Centre.

More information will be posted this month.

November Lunch Cheques

Millbrook Students and Parents

On-Reserve lunch cheques will be available Friday, November 5th 21, 9-12 noon and Monday, November 8th 21, 9 to 430pm. After 4:30pm, any leftover cheques will be put in the mail.

Off-Reserve lunch cheques will be going out in the mail today.

September Lunch Cheques

Millbrook on Reserve students and parents,

The September Lunch allowance cheques for elementary, middle and high school students will be available for pick up at the band office this morning.

Staff will mail out those not picked up by the end of the day (September 15th, 2021).

Off-Reserve students - cheques were placed in the mail yesterday.

EducationNigel GloadeEducation
Student Registration

Hello, I am the new director here at MEEC. My name is Sara Riley. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer holidays. September and a new school year are quickly approaching. I am now looking at our classes and student lists for the upcoming year. Many exciting learning opportunities are in the works for this coming school year. Please ensure that your child/children are registered and all forms are submitted as soon as possible. Registration will continue right up to September 7th, which is our first day of school.

Have a safe and happy summer. Looking forward to meeting each and every student and family this September. Feel free to come to speak with me anytime.

Sara Riley Director

MEEC Notice

Hello MEEC families, it sure is a rainy stay inside kind of day. Our power here at Millbrook early childhood center has gone out once today. This is just a precautionary notice to all families with children in attendance today. If we lose power for an extended period of time we will close the center for the safety of our children and staff. A call will be sent out to all families with children in attendance today and it would be necessary for you to come and pick up your child/children as soon as physically possible. Any concerns please call Sara Riley Director of Millbrook Early Education Centre at 902-324-9331

Loretta Saunders Community Scholarship Fund

The application period is now open for the Loretta Saunders Community Scholarship Fund.

The Scholarship Fund aims to support Indigenous women in their chosen field of study who are attending a post-secondary institution in Mi’kma’ki, Nunatsiavut, or Atlantic Canada and who have completed the equivalent of one year of post-secondary education in the previous two years.

Applicants will be adjudicated upon the basis of their scholastic achievement, service to Indigenous communities, community potential, and financial need.

Students likely back in school in the fall wth social distancing

There has still not been a final decision made as to what September will look like for students. However its important to prepare for all three possible scenarios. As we know things can change very quickly, the province is hoping to have a final decision by the end of July or early August. 

"The most likely of the three options is having students going back to school in September with social and physical distancing guidelines in place.

The second option would see students rotating days between going to school, and working from home.

The last option, and at this point the least likely, would be to have all students stay home and do their schooling remotely."

Conundrum Press - Bursary opportunity

At Conundrum Press, we support Black Lives Matter and stand in solidarity with anti-racist protestors fighting for crucial change against systemic racism in the US, Canada, and elsewhere. We also recognize that police brutality disproportionately impacts our Indigenous communities. As we reflect on these issues, as well as our own privileged position on the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People, we’ve also been considering ways that we, as a small independent publisher, can contribute.


With that goal in mind, we are offering an annual $1000 bursary to a Black or Indigenous person living in Canada, for the creation and production of a mini-comic. The selected creator will also receive help with distribution through Conundrum Press. Limited to developing and emerging creators but all ages and genders welcome.
 To apply for the bursary, send 3-5 sample pages to before December 31, 2020.

Grad photos 2020

* UPDATE FOR GRAD PHOTOS ** We need a digital copy of the grad photo, a picture of a picture is low quality and wont be able to be printed on the banner. You can contact at or call them at (902)895-1694 and they will send a digital copy of the grad photo to my email free of charge! thank you