If you want your news/articles to be promoted on this page, send your information to the Communications Department at communications@millbrookfn.ca.
Be sure to include ALL relevant information (including the who, what, when, where, why and how to find out more).
Post Secondary Cheques will be delayed a few hours. However, they should be ready for pick up by 3 pm and then mailed out at the end of the day.
School supply cheques will be available for pick up at the Band Office on August 27, 2021.
The Millbrook Tobacco Store will have a delayed opening on Thursday, July 8, 2021, due to equipment replacement. The store is anticipated to be opened by noon.
Millbrook Fisheries has a selection of both old wooden and old wire traps to give away in the Fisheries Compound. If you would like to come and view the traps please call Tom at (902) 890-2940 or Andrew at (902) 899-6409. Traps must be moved by you.
After Friday, July 11 we will make other arrangements to remove them.
Thank you,
Millbrook Fisheries
The Millbrook Health Centre is closed today, tomorrow and Wednesday (June 28-30) for a three-day COVID19 vaccine clinic. Nurses and physicians are not available for other appointments during this time. Please call on Friday if you need an appointment with the nurses/physicians. Thank you.
Please be advised of Millbrook’s Tobacco Store reduced hours next week due to the vaccine clinics.
Monday, June 28, 2021 - 4 pm to 7 pm
Tuesday, June 29, 2021 – 4 pm to 7 pm
Wednesday, June 30, 2021 - 4 pm - 5:30 pm.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Unfortunately, for those Millbrook Members living in the US, we were unable to direct deposit the Millbrook Enterprise Credit yesterday. The grants were mailed out on June 10th. Sorry for the inconvenience. We will endeavour to resolve the situation before the subsequent Enterprise Credit issuance.
Attention Millbrook Band Members: Millbrook Enterprise Credit deposited, but depending on which banking institution you use, it shows up at different times of the day. If you haven’t received your direct deposit by 3:30pm today, you can email Chantal at chantelg@eastlink.ca.
We are pleased to welcome Jonathan Lowe as the new Fisheries Manager for Millbrook First Nation. Mr. Lowe has over twenty years of experience in fisheries biology and aquatic research, marine management, and coastal economic development. He most recently worked for the Province of Nova Scotia as a senior marine resource advisor. His other employment experience includes term positions at Parks Canada -Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct, Acadia University, the Municipality of Kings County and the Department of Lands and Forestry.
Mr. Lowe has been a member on various diversity hiring panels, along with diversity work committees aimed at ensuring workspaces are reflective of underrepresented and marginalized groups, and those with protected characteristics as defined by human rights and employment equity legislation in Canada. He has volunteered with the Aboriginal Training and Employment Commission (APTEC) and currently the Native Council of Nova Scotia. He has completed courses specific to human resource selection and hiring processes for promoting diversity within organizations and undertaken specific training on consulting with Indigenous peoples here in Nova Scotia. He has also completed university coursework in environmental law.
Mr. Lowe has a passion for working with First Nations and Indigenous communities and is a strong supporter of Aboriginal and treaty rights. He is a proponent of Mi’kmaw community-based fisheries management which directly incorporates the concept of Netuklimk and Indigenous Traditional Knowledge while complementing objective science. He believes that our intrinsic values of collaboration, kindness and unity will move us forward as a strong and thriving Mi’kmaw Nation.
Mr. Lowe is an off-reserve Mi’kmaq, originally from Milton, Queens County. He enjoys hunting, fishing, trapping, learning about and harvesting wild edibles and medicines, and researching Mi’kmaw history in his spare time.
Millbrook Band Office is closed Monday for Victoria Day, have a safe and happy long weekend.
We are excited to announce that the artwork has been installed on our New Gaming Building in Millbrook, Designed by Justin Julien of the Millbrook First Nation, titled “Mi’kmaw Circle of Life.”
Justin was one of several artist’s who submitted their artwork in the recent contest and was selected as the winner. As a former employee of Treaty Entertainment it brings his connection to the organization full circle.
Thank you Justin for allowing our community to display your beautiful artwork on the new Gaming Building.
Chief and Council
Nova Scotians from ages 45-49 are now eligible for the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines.
Appointments for the two mRNA vaccines opened to the new age group Friday, according to a news release from the Department of Health. (Clodagh Kilcoyne/Reuters)
Nova Scotians ages 45-49 are now eligible for the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines.
Appointments for the two mRNA vaccines opened to the new age group Friday, according to a news release from the Department of Health.
There are about 65,000 eligible Nova Scotians in the age group.
Until Friday, the two vaccines were only available to Nova Scotians 50 and up. The province has been gradually lowering the age for eligibility as part of its vaccine rollout strategy.
The vaccines are available to the new age group at all community clinics and designated pharmacies, and more appointments will be released as vaccine supply is confirmed.
This age group is also eligible for the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Appointments for the vaccine must be made online or by phone at 1-833-797-7772.