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Posts in Notice
Notice Millbrook By-law - March 30, 2022

Tonight Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Millbrook By-law Officer, Adam Francis, will be in Millbrook in the Fern Dr. south area around the park where bear activity has been reported. Adam will attempt to use a “bear banger” to try and deter the bear from coming into the community. The bear banger noise will occur around sunset when the bear has been spotted out and around the park. If you hear a loud bang on Fern Drive South, please be aware this is happening, and not be alarmed. 

Camp Courage - July 3-10, 2022

Media Release General

In 2006, a firefighter named Andréa Speranza founded a charity called Camp Courage, The First Responder's Society - a one-of-a-kind, free, award-winning, life-changing camp that informs, educates, and inspires young women to become police officers, firefighters, and paramedics. The ultimate goal is that the young women leave with a sense of empowerment and increased confidence to believe that they can achieve any goal, career, or dream they desire.

Camp Courage partners with Emergency Health Service, Emergency Medical Care, Halifax Regional Police, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and Halifax Regional Fire Service to put on an eight-day camp for twenty-four young women.  Some of the knowledge and skills learned are self-defence, crime scene investigation, the role of police service dogs and horses, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, inserting airways and intravenous lines, delivering mechanical babies, making cars into convertibles, climbing a 100' ladder, and putting fires out.  We have guest speakers, fitness professionals who empower and inspire the participants to reach their potential.

The graduates are eligible to apply for high school credit, first-aid and CPR courses, several educational bursaries and our post-camp mentorship program.  This program focuses on preparing and supporting graduates for the intensive application processes required for employment in the emergency services, specifically preparing for aptitude tests, fitness tests and interviews. 

The camp is 100% free. Instead of paying tuition, the applicants must write an essay on improving someone else's life or improving your community. Then must implement their plan.  Past graduates have helped people - young, old, physically challenged, homeless - and positively impacted the environment.  They have organized blood drives, sports nights, fundraised or lobbied to get automated external defibrillators in schools, and started a new Kids Help Phone chapter.

36% of our graduates have moved on to post-secondary education in the emergency services field or are currently working in the emergency services.  Visit our website to see many remarkable success stories, moving testimonials, and awesome promotional videos.  My favourite video is Episode 10 of our mini-reality series.


Media Contact:

Andrea Speranza, Operations Fire Captain
Founder/Executive Director of Camp Courage

NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
Covid 19 Isolation Support

If you have tested positive for COVID19 and require isolation support, please call Kasey McDermott (Emergency Planning Officer) or Scott MacDonnell (Emergency Mitigation Officer) directly. Once they receive a call, they will book you a room at a local hotel if you cannot isolate away from others in your home.  Gift cards are only provided to those isolating in the hotel so that food can be ordered and delivered.  Kasey can be reached at (902) 956-4575.  Scott can be reached at (902) 956-3936.  If Kasey or Scott do not answer the phone when you call, please leave a message and they will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Elected Candidates

To the Office of Chief

Gloade, Bob – 515

To The Office of Councillor

Julian, Zachary – 389

Marshall, Lisa – 377

Gloade, Carley -356

Stevens, James – 356

GooGoo, Chris – 344

Blackmore, Anissa – 338

Gloade, Garrett – 321

Benard, Natasha – 317

Marshall, Stephen – 311

Cope, Alex – 308

Sylliboy, Dana – 308

Markie, Ward - 304





Please note that an error occurred with the ballot packages that were sent out by mail.

Luke Kenneth Markie was placed on the ballot as a candidate in error. He had declined his nomination within the deadline and is not a candidate. Please do not vote for him if you received a mail-out ballot.

Please share this information with family and friends who live off-reserve and would have received a mail-in package.

If you have any questions, please email me at

Sorry for the confusion,


Brenda Tracey 

Electoral Officer

NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
Election Notice

Millbrook First Nation Election

March 3rd, 2022

Election Notice

·      The Electoral Office has secured funds to offer Millbrook Band Members who received a mail-in ballot package the opportunity to send back their ballot by FedEx. If you are concerned about getting your ballot back to us before March 3rd (Election Day) please email me the information listed below and we will email you a return FedEx slip so you can send back your ballot by FedEx. You still have the option to mail back your ballot with the pre-paid postage that was provided to you.


·      Please send your ballots back as soon as possible whether you are sending them by FedEx or by mail. Any person who cannot vote in person on Election Day should email me and request a mail-in ballot package.

We will need the following information:

1.    Email address

2.    Status Card number

3.    Your name

4.    Civic address only

5.    Telephone Number

Important: Those that were already mailed a ballot will need to go to FedEx to pick up a FedEx envelope to return your ballot with the return slip we will email to you.

·      Unfortunately, FedEx does not make deliveries to Canada Post Office boxes.

·      New ballots will not be sent to replace mail-in packages already shipped via Canada Post.

·      All new requests we receive for mailout ballots will be sent by FedEx. 

If you have any questions, please send me an email. The Electoral Officer is responsible for sending out ballots.

Brenda Tracey

Electoral Officer

(902) 890-0008 cell phone (please leave a message and call back number)

NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
Millbrook On-Reserve Members Isolating

Millbrook On-Reserve Members,

If you are isolating at home and need someone to drop off a rapid test kit or pick up a grocery order, you have made or other essentials, Millbrook staff can help. Staff, however, will not be doing non-essential runs for things such as Tim Horton’s coffee/treats. Staff will be available to help during regular work hours and for a limited time on weekends. Please get in touch with Millbrook Security at 902-956-0114, and they will connect you with the staff that can provide this service.

NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
Public Service Announcement - Visitor restrictions further expanded in Northern Zone

January 13, 2022

Increased visitor restrictions are being implemented at Colchester East Hants Health Centre today to reflect COVID-19 activity.

Visitor restrictions in Nova Scotia Health facilities were put in place last week to further reduce the risk of the virus being introduced or spread within its facilities. These restrictions are in place at most sites in Nova Scotia Health’s Northern Zone (Municipality of East Hants, Colchester, Cumberland and Pictou counties).

Inpatients and long-term care residents at the following sites and units in the Northern Zone are not able to receive any visitors due to COVID-19 activity and/or staffing requirements:

·    Colchester East Hants Health Centre, Truro – E2 Community Transition / Surgery Unit, D3 COVID-19 / Medicine Unit (NEW)

·    Aberdeen Hospital, New Glasgow - Transitional Care Unit

·    Sutherland Harris Memorial Hospital, Pictou - Northumberland Veterans Unit

·    South Cumberland Community Care Centre, Parrsboro

·    Bayview Memorial Health Centre, Advocate Harbour

Each resident in these facilities or units will be permitted to have two designated caregivers to provide mental and physical support whenever possible based on operational situations.

Exceptions may be made for palliative care patients, patients receiving Medical Assistance in Dying and other patients nearing end of life in consultation with their care team. Whenever possible, our teams will use technology to enable virtual involvement of support persons. These restrictions will remain in place until further notice and will be monitored closely.

Please note, all other hospitals/sites within the Northern Zone will follow provincial inpatients and outpatients visitor restriction guidelines:

Nova Scotia Health sincerely apologizes to patients and their families for strict visitor restrictions at this time. We understand restrictions are difficult for patients and families and appreciate the important and valuable role family caregivers play in supporting patient care and mental wellbeing. As our teams work to implement these changes to keep our patients and staff safe, we thank all of you for your continued support, patience and understanding. We will monitor these restrictions closely and will make changes when appropriate.

– 30 –

Provincial media line: 1-844-483-3344

NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
Direct Deposits - Social Clients

Social Clients: Direct Deposits will not be deposited until tomorrow, January 13, 2022. Sorry of inconvenience.

The Social Department has decided that Social issue will be returned to Thursdays so future deposits will be made on Thursdays going forward.

Millbrook Social Department

NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
Millbrook COVID19 Update – January 11, 2022

Since December 17th,  61 residents of Millbrook tested positive on either a rapid or PCR test.  Today, we have 14 active cases; the rest have been resolved.  However, the active case number will change as more people get infected.  To help lower the chance of further spread in the community, get tested and stay home.  The next COVID19 testing clinic will be at the community hall from 1:30 to 7:30 this Friday, January 14th.  To protect yourselves and others, get vaccinated.  The next vaccine clinic for first, second and booster doses is tomorrow, January 12th. 

NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
COVID19 Update – December 30

Millbrook has 30 cases of COVID19 with others waiting to hear if their PCR tests are positive.  The number of positive cases will continue to grow for some time.  Public Health is determining if there is community spread in Millbrook.  Stay home if you do not need to go out. Wear a snug-fitting 3 layer cloth mask or properly fitted medical mask.  If you have cold-like symptoms such as a sore or scratchy throat, runny nose, fever, cough or headache, take a rapid test.  If you are a close contact of someone who has COVID19, take a rapid test.  If you have been to an exposure site at the time of the exposure, take a rapid test.  Rapid tests are available by contacting Millbrook Security. 

If you get a positive rapid test result (2 lines), contact Chief Gloade or text Dr. Blois at 902-890-2779.  Then book a confirmatory PCR test by calling 811 or go online at  Isolate right away and notify your close contacts.  Please notify Public Health of your positive rapid test by emailing including your name, date of birth, health card number and contact information as this helps us get an accurate count of positive cases in our community.

We can all do our part to prevent the further spread of COVID19 in our community.  Limit your contacts to the same 10 people in your bubble.  Stay home if you have tested positive with a rapid or PCR test.  While isolating in your home, wear your mask properly, physical distance from others, eat and sleep in a separate room, keep your hands clean, and sanitize surfaces you touched in your shared bathroom, or use a separate bathroom.  Monitor yourself for worsening symptoms.  If you notice that you are having difficulty breathing, call 911.  For more information about what to do if you test positive, go to  

How to interpret test results and when you no longer have to isolate -

A negative test is 1 negative PCR test result OR 2 negative rapid tests done at least 48 hours apart. 

If you were in contact with a positive case and you had symptoms, you can stop isolating only after you have two negative rapid tests (e.g., 72 hours after exposure and 5 days after exposure). 

Fully vaccinated contacts with no symptoms can stop isolating after a first negative rapid test (e.g., 72 hours after exposure), but you need to complete a 2nd rapid test at least 48 hours later (e.g., 5 days after exposure).  

Isolating at a hotel – Do not leave your room if isolating at a hotel.  Before you check in, call the hotel from your car so that they can prepare for your arrival.  You are not allowed to eat breakfast in the hotel breakfast area (a breakfast bag will be delivered to you).  For food delivery, ask the deliverer to stop at the front desk to let the hotel know that you are expecting a delivery.  

COVID19 Testing Clinic – A COVID19 testing clinic will take place on January 3rd at the Millbrook Gymnasium from 12 noon to 5:00 p.m. for band and community members.  Rapid tests will be available there to take home.  At the Dec 20th testing clinic, 134 people were tested, at the Dec 21st clinic, 86 were tested, and at the Dec 27th clinic, 84 people were tested.   We need more people to go to these clinics to get tested. 

Vaccine Clinic – A COVID19 vaccine clinic will take place at the health centre on January 12th for those aged 5 and above.  Become fully vaccinated (2 doses) and get your booster dose (for those 18 and above).  The vaccine is safe and once fully vaccinated, helps lower your chances of becoming hospitalized because of COVID19.  The booster may reduce your ability to spread the virus if you have COVID19.  The vaccine needs at least 14 days to become protective; it will not protect you right away, so the sooner you get your first, second, or booster dose, the better.   

Millbrook Chief and Council   

NoticeNigel GloadeNotice
PUBLIC SERVICE ADVISORY  - Nova Scotia Health Vaccine Outreach Clinics offering drop-ins for Pfizer at locations in Tatamagouche and Stewiacke

 December 29, 2021


Nova Scotia Health’s COVID-19 vaccine outreach clinics will be offering drop-ins for the Pfizer vaccine in Tatamagouche and Stewiacke next week to help support vaccine accessibility for residents and nearby community members. 


The clinics are open to anyone age 5+ for their first or second dose* at the following locations, at the following times:


Tatamagouche Fire Hall (202 Main St, Tatamagouche)

Tuesday, Jan. 4 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Drop-in only.


Stewiacke Community Centre (111 Highway 2, Stewiacke)

Wednesday, Jan. 5 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Drop-in only.


*To be eligible for a second dose, it must be 28 days or more since the first dose, or 21 days or more if the first dose was Pfizer.


Community members will be asked to provide their health card number (if they have one) and ID at the vaccine clinic.


For those with mobility challenges, special needs, and/or have significant anxiety about needles, please notify clinic team members on site. Having this information helps the clinic team better offer support. 


All eligible Nova Scotians are encouraged to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible. 


For a list of other drop-in vaccine clinics available across the province, please visit


Up-to-date information around COVID-19 cases and resources can be found at


NoticeNigel GloadeNotice