Pier 21 Exhibit
Pier 21 just launched a new exhibit about family and are looking to add some Mi'kmaq content. They offer a loan fee to anyone willing to let them borrow contemporary regalia or older pieces of traditional clothing. Especially pieces associated with a family story like a wedding, funeral, celebration, type of dance, or other special occasion. If you are interested in loaning something please contact Michèle Gervais, 902.425.7770 ext 280 or mgervais@pier21.ca
If you want to get a sense of the exhibit you can visit their website and view a trailer of the exhibit at: https://pier21.ca/family-bonds-and-belonging?gclid=CjwKCAjw-ZvlBRBbEiwANw9UWm1j8gza5AwC5S7M2U31HivmjvshaNDSGRaJt54ABpa-YAin8OvuIBoC0zkQAvD_BwE