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JR NBA Program

The JR NBA program (4-6 yr olds) and the Rookie division of the JR NBA program (7-9) year olds will be starting a 12 week season on Sundays from May 12- June 30, 2019 and resuming in the Fall Sept 15-Oct. 20th. The Jr NBA kids play from 9:30 - 10:30 and the rookie division plays from 11am - 12 pm. 

Both divisions are non-competitive with a focus on skill development and building a love for the game. The program is designed to create a supportive environment that builds confidence and self-esteem for all the players and focuses each week on a different concept like leadership, nutrition, humility, encouragement, enthusiasm, etc. Everyone who signs up will get a jersey, a ball, and a certificate of participation to keep!

Registration deadline is May 6, 2019!

Millbrook band members can apply to have their registration fees covered by filling out the attached Funding Request.

JR NBA Registration

Rookie Division Registration

Millbrook Tobacco Store Funding Request