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Posts in Sports and Recreation
Fitness Centre Operating Hours (Summer/Pandemic) & Rules of use

Monday              10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Tuesday              10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Wednesday        10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Thursday            10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Rules of use for the Fitness Centre

  • You must make an appointment with Vernon to use the Fitness Centre.  Appointments are 55 minutes long, and there are no exceptions to this.  This allows for additional cleaning before the next appointment.  Vernon can be reached by cell at 902-897-7750.  

  • You will be signed in when you enter the Fitness Centre and signed out before you leave (you are required to leave your phone number when signing in).

  • All patrons using the Fitness Centre must physical distance (stay 6 feet apart) from other patrons and staff.

  • Water will not be provided: please bring your own water.  

  • All patrons using the Fitness Centre are required to clean the equipment used by them with sanitizing spray provided.  Please do so before and after the use of any equipment used. 

  • All patrons using the washrooms must sanitize anything they touched while in the washroom.  The sanitizing spray is provided. 

  • Only three patrons per hour will be permitted in the building.  No exceptions.  

  • No abuse (verbal, physical, emotional, mental) will be tolerated at the Fitness Centre.  If you engage in abusive behaviour, you will be immediately asked to leave the building, and maybe banned for a period of time depending on the incident.

  • Be as gentle as possible with equipment or free weights.

  •  Remove weights from bars and return weights to holders when you are finished using them.

  • Only band members and those working or living in the community are permitted to use the Fitness Centre.  

MPAL Updates; Opportunities to be active Upcoming Events:

May 12 - Jr NBA (4-6) and Rookie Division basketball programs start. Registration is $80 and includes ball, jersey, certificate and insurance. Millbrook Band members can apply to the tobacco fund and other community members can use jumpstart - contact Gord Pictou for the forms! (902.986.8447). Still lots of space so hurry up and get involved.

May 12 - Drop in Floor Hockey starts from 1-3 pm. Registration Forms are available in the foyer of the band office, the website, and TES and TJHS. It is for kids in grades 4-9 and totally free. Last year we used helmets but this year you can choose safety glasses (provided) or helmets (your own). We are also using a felt puck. New teams each week and lots of short games. 

May 18 - The L’nu Kamakn Ski and Snowboard team will be holding a Food Drive for the Colchester Food Bank from 1-4 at the Millbrook Gym. You can drop off your donations to us at the gym or text us for pick-up (986.8447).

May 18 - 6-8pm - NAIG Baseball Try-outs at the Millbrook Field - If you were born between 2003 and 2005 and would like to represent Team Mi’kmaw at Kjipuktuk 2020 North American Indigenous Games this is your chance. If you can’t make the truro Try out there is one in Dartmouth on May 25 and one in Cape Breton at CBU from 4-6pm.  

June 2 - Millbrook Bike Rodeo from 10 am -1 pm at the Powwow grounds this year. Come try the obstacle course or learn about basic bike repair and maintenance. Free helmets for all who come, bike draws, and bbq. 

Looking for kids that would like to train for an adventure of a lifetime!

If you are in grades 8 - 12 and would like to visit the British Isles you can train to complete a half-marathon and then accomplish the feat in paradise. Check the Millbrook website or the Community FB page for more details or email Gord; gpictou@gmail.comYou don’t have to be a good runner now but you will have to commit to becoming a great runner later. Everyone is capable if you have the heart and motivation.

Floor Hockey Season

Floor Hockey Season
Millbrook Gym
May 12 - June 30, 2019

Who can play? All grade 5 to gr 9 Students of every gender, who live anywhere in the Truro Area are welcome to participate.

When? Every Sunday afternoon from 1 - 3 pm at the Millbrook Gym on Willow St. Everyday will be a rd robin tournament and playoffs. Every Game is 10 minute stop time. Everyone will play multiple games each day. If the tournament isn’t over by 2pm it will continue the next week.

Games will be 4 on 4 with a goalie.


All players need to wear the safety glasses provided and clean indoor sneakers (hockey gloves are optional)

Games are 10 minute stop time.
Goal is to have fun and make new friends- score is kept but new teams are formed each week.
It is Co-ed.
No Swearing, no fighting, no bullying and definitely no checking!!!
Be kind to refs and players.

Cost: Free

If you have questions please call, text or email:
Gordon Pictou (Millbrook Physical Activity Leader)

Floor Hockey Registration Form

Floor Hockey Indemnity and Release Form

JR NBA Program

The JR NBA program (4-6 yr olds) and the Rookie division of the JR NBA program (7-9) year olds will be starting a 12 week season on Sundays from May 12- June 30, 2019 and resuming in the Fall Sept 15-Oct. 20th. The Jr NBA kids play from 9:30 - 10:30 and the rookie division plays from 11am - 12 pm. 

Both divisions are non-competitive with a focus on skill development and building a love for the game. The program is designed to create a supportive environment that builds confidence and self-esteem for all the players and focuses each week on a different concept like leadership, nutrition, humility, encouragement, enthusiasm, etc. Everyone who signs up will get a jersey, a ball, and a certificate of participation to keep!

Registration deadline is May 6, 2019!

Millbrook band members can apply to have their registration fees covered by filling out the attached Funding Request.

JR NBA Registration

Rookie Division Registration

Millbrook Tobacco Store Funding Request

Baseball Registration forms

Baseball Registration forms are available at the Millbrook Band Office at the front table, downloaded by clicking here or can be emailed by request. (Millbrook Tobacco store funding request Form here) Registration forms must be passed in to Gordon Pictou (via reception) by April 15, 2019! Millbrook Field will again be used for Novice and Mosquito games and practices. Peewee and Bantam games and practices will be in Truro but carpools will be available. Any questions please contact Gord Pictou @ 986.8447 or