COVID19 Update – December 23
As you have heard, Millbrook now has its first cases of COVID19 since the start of the pandemic. We have 11 PCR confirmed cases of COVID19, with another 5 people who have tested positive with a rapid test. If you have cold-like symptoms such as a sore or scratchy throat, runny nose, cough or headache, take a rapid test. If you have been told that you are a close contact of someone who has COVID19, take a rapid test. If you have been to an exposure site at the time of the exposure, take a rapid test. If you get a positive result on the rapid test, text Dr. Blois at 902-890-2779 and he will get you the help and supports you need. Then book a PCR test by calling 811 or go online at Isolate right away while you wait for your test AND test results.
We can all do our part to prevent the further spread of COVID19 in our community. Limit your contacts to close family members and those you live with (no more than 10 people in your bubble). Stay away from others if you have tested positive with a rapid or PCR test, wear your mask properly, physical distance, keep your hands clean, sanitize surfaces you touched in the bathroom and doorhandles, and take care of yourself. Eat, sleep and monitor yourself for worsening symptoms. If you notice that you are having difficulty breathing, call 911.
How to interpret test results and when you no longer have to isolate -
A negative test is 1 negative PCR test result OR 2 negative rapid tests done at least 48 hours apart.
If you were in contact with a positive case and you had symptoms, you can stop isolating only after you have two negative rapid tests (e.g.., 72 hours after exposure and 5 days after exposure).
Fully vaccinated contacts with no symptoms can stop isolating after a first negative rapid test (e.g., 72 hours after exposure), but you need to complete a 2nd rapid test at least 48 hours later (e.g., 5 days after exposure).
Isolating at a hotel – Do not leave your rooms if isolating at a hotel. Before you check in, call the hotel from your car so that they can prepare for your arrival. You are not allowed to eat breakfast in the hotel breakfast area (a breakfast bag will be delivered to you). For food delivery, ask the deliverer to stop at the front desk to let the hotel know that you are expecting a delivery.
COVID19 Testing Clinic – There will be another testing clinic at the Millbrook Community Hall for band and community members on December 27th from 2:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Please make an effort to get tested then; rapid tests will be available there to take home.
Vaccine Clinic – The Millbrook Health Centre will have another COVID19 vaccine clinic in early January for those aged 5 and above. Please become fully vaccinated (2 doses) and get your booster dose if eligible. The vaccine is safe and helps prevent you from getting hospitalized if you get COVID19.
As we come to the end of 2021, let’s remember to be kind to others and to ourselves, help one another through this pandemic, and to ask for help when you need it. Be safe and take care.
Millbrook Chief and Council