If you want your news/articles to be promoted on this page, send your information to the Communications Department at communications@millbrookfn.ca.
Be sure to include ALL relevant information (including the who, what, when, where, why and how to find out more).
Attention Millbrook band members that require a confirmation for your November 2021 Millbrook Enterprise Credit (MEC) application. Please contact Jay Martin or Theresa Leblanc at the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq, 902-895-6385, toll free 1-877-892-2424 or by email: membership@cmmns.com (shared email); We will need your full legal name, date of birth, band registration number and your permission to share this information with the Millbrook band.
Membership delivers confirmation letters to the Millbrook band office once a week. This week’s delivery date is Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 (Note: this is the deadline for direct deposit – if you want your confirmation letter delivered to Millbrook in order to meet the direct deposit deadline, contact us no later than 2pm on November 3rd, 2021.)
Jay Martin & Theresa Leblanc
Band Membership Department
The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq
PO Box 1590
Truro NS B2N 5V3
Toll free: 1-877-892-2424
If anyone who needs proof of membership in order to complete their Millbrook Enterprise Credit application contact Theresa before December 11th. She will be out of the office until January 4th.
If you do not have a Certificate of Indian Status, proof must be obtained from the Millbrook Membership Clerk. l 902-956-4339 or by e-mail at: membership@cmmns.com
When: May. 1- May. 29 2019 (4 week program every Wednesday, excluding May. 22)
Where: Seniors Centre
Time: 1pm-2:30pm
Prizes to be won
This program is suited for those looking to improve their overall wellness in all areas of life. This program will introduce physical activity as well as brain challenges, while also giving you an opportunity to learn about aging more optimally through life. This is done through such topics as, fall safety, healthy aging, how our brains change etc. Open to Adults, seniors and Elders. Hope to see you there!
We aim to empower our First Nation peoples and our families with knowledge and resources for their mental wellness needs. We provide cultural support, such as traditional or cultural services, healers, elders, or craftspeople, education and support services.
Mainland Mental Wellness team for the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq. Contact us: phone (902)899-5345, email katie@cmmns.comor check us out on Facebook: Mainland Mental Wellness Team.
When: May. 1- May. 29 2019 (4 week program every Wednesday, excluding May. 22)
Where: Seniors Centre
Time: 1pm-2:30pm
Prizes to be won
This program is suited for those looking to improve their overall wellness in all areas of life. This program will introduce physical activity as well as brain challenges, while also giving you an opportunity to learn about aging more optimally through life. This is done through such topics as, fall safety, healthy aging, how our brains change etc. Open to Adults, seniors and Elders. Hope to see you there!
We aim to empower our First Nation peoples and our families with knowledge and resources for their mental wellness needs. We provide cultural support, such as traditional or cultural services, healers, elders, or craftspeople, education and support services.
Mainland Mental Wellness team for the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq. Contact us: phone (902)899-5345, email katie@cmmns.comor check us out on Facebook: Mainland Mental Wellness Team.