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Posts in Millbrook Health Centre
Prescription Refills

Prescription Refills

Please be advised that effective immediately anyone needing a medication refill has to make a doctor’s appointment. Refills can no longer be done over the phone by either nurse. Please note the number of refills you have left as well as the expiry date of the prescription so you can make an appointment in advance. It is your responsibility to obtain your own medication refills. Please plan ahead. Although we don’t have a permanent doctor at this time, we do have a doctor here several times each week. Appointments do fill up quickly so don’t leave it until the last minute or you may end up going without your medication. - Carla Moore, Director of Health Services

Optimal Aging Program with Matt from the CMM Mental Wellness Team

When:  May. 1- May. 29 2019 (4 week program every Wednesday, excluding May. 22) 

Where: Seniors Centre 

Time: 1pm-2:30pm

Prizes to be won 

This program is suited for those looking to improve their overall wellness in all areas of life. This program will introduce physical activity as well as brain challenges, while also giving you an opportunity to learn about aging more optimally through life. This is done through such topics as, fall safety, healthy aging, how our brains change etc. Open to Adults, seniors and Elders. Hope to see you there!

We aim to empower our First Nation peoples and our families with knowledge and resources for their mental wellness needs. We provide cultural support, such as traditional or cultural services, healers, elders, or craftspeople, education and support services.

Mainland Mental Wellness team for the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq. Contact us: phone (902)899-5345, email katie@cmmns.comor check us out on Facebook: Mainland Mental Wellness Team.           

A letter from Dr. Murdo Ferguson

Over the last 26 years, there has been a transformation in both the delivery of healthcare and in Millbrook itself. When I first began my career with Millbrook in 1994, I was working in the emergency department of the old Colchester Regional Hospital. While doing a shift, I met Elizabeth Berube, a nurse from Cape Breton. She asked if I would consider working in Millbrook as a doctor. After meeting Chief Lawrence Paul, Alex Cope, Barry Martin and Barry Gloade, we agreed that I would come and work in Millbrook. At that time, the Health Centre was located in the current Youth Centre on Willow Street. It was freezing in the winter and roasting hot in the summer! After a few years, the staff were excited when air conditioning units were installed in some of the windows!

A short time later, Dr. Linda Ferguson joined the Health Centre staff doing regular clinic hours and well-women clinics. Dr. Linda not only provided the ladies of Millbrook a welcome alternative to Dr. Murdo, she offered the first opportunity to access vaccines to prevent HPV, dysplasia and cervical cancer. These were the first vaccines developed to prevent some cancers, and much of the research was done in Nova Scotia and Canada.

Working in Millbrook has been a great experience as a doctor and as a person. I have learned a great deal, and have made many friends over the years. The Millbrook community has always been very kind and generous to us. I think that many communities in Nova Scotia and the Maritimes can learn a lot from how Millbrook has grown and developed over the years.

A special thank you to all the staff - past and present - who have worked with us at the old and the new Millbrook Health Centres. A special thank you to Jane Johnson who had to put up with me for seventeen of my twenty-six years as our medical secretary. Jane might miss her work, but she won’t be missing my calls to cancel and rebook patients!

Retiring from Millbrook is a bittersweet experience. However, we thank all of you for the privilege and honour of being part of your families and your community.

With best wishes for the future,


Dr. Murdo Ferguson

Dr. Ferguson’s Retirement update

Dr. Murdo Ferguson is retiring from working at the Millbrook Health Centre on May 7th, 2019.   If you are not a Millbrook band or community member, you will not be permitted to make an appointment at the Millbrook Health Centre to see the new doctor.  While at the Millbrook Health Centre, the doctor provides physician services to Millbrook band or community members only.

There are two walk-in clinics in the Truro area that you can contact to make an appointment.  The Truro Walk-In Clinic on Robie street in Truro can be reached at (902) 893-3635; the Walk In Clinic on Pictou Road in Bible Hill can be reached at 902-899-2273.  If you would like to find another doctor, you could call 811 for advice or you could contact one of the numbers/website below:

  • Annapolis Valley, South Shore, Southwest Nova Scotia – 1 -844-491-5891 option #1

  • Colchester and East Hants, Cumberland and Pictou areas – 1-855-893-1930

  • Cape Breton, Guysborough and Antigonish areas – 1-844-491-5892, option #0

  • Halifax, Eastern Shore and West Hants areas – 1-855-444-4415

  • Or online by going to:  (

- Carla Moore, Director of Health Services

Optimal Aging Program

When:  May. 1- May. 29 2019 (4 week program every Wednesday, excluding May. 22)

Where: Seniors Centre 

Time: 1pm-2:30pm

Prizes to be won 

This program is suited for those looking to improve their overall wellness in all areas of life. This program will introduce physical activity as well as brain challenges, while also giving you an opportunity to learn about aging more optimally through life. This is done through such topics as, fall safety, healthy aging, how our brains change etc. Open to Adults, seniors and Elders. Hope to see you there!

We aim to empower our First Nation peoples and our families with knowledge and resources for their mental wellness needs. We provide cultural support, such as traditional or cultural services, healers, elders, or craftspeople, education and support services.

Mainland Mental Wellness team for the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq. Contact us: phone (902)899-5345, email katie@cmmns.comor check us out on Facebook: Mainland Mental Wellness Team.           

Dr Murdo Ferguson Resigns

Dr. Murdo Ferguson has submitted his letter of resignation as Millbrook’s family physician and his last day of work in Millbrook is May 7.  We are working with the province to find another family doctor to replace him.  This, however, could take long as there are very few doctors to fill vacancies.  We are also planning a retirement party for Murdo, who has been with Millbrook for 26 years.  More information on that and his replacement will be shared with the community when available.