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Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic on August 13th

We will have another Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic on August 13th in the morning from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Please call the health centre to book a vaccine appointment to protect yourself and others against the virus, especially now that the Delta variant of the coronavirus is in Nova Scotia. The Delta variant is very contagious. Unvaccinated people are up to 10 times more likely to get seriously ill or die from the virus than those who have been fully vaccinated against it. Two doses of the vaccine are needed for good protection from the coronavirus and Delta variant. If you have questions about the vaccine or fear of needles, please talk to one of our nurses. Thank you, Millbrook Health Centre

Student Registration

Hello, I am the new director here at MEEC. My name is Sara Riley. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer holidays. September and a new school year are quickly approaching. I am now looking at our classes and student lists for the upcoming year. Many exciting learning opportunities are in the works for this coming school year. Please ensure that your child/children are registered and all forms are submitted as soon as possible. Registration will continue right up to September 7th, which is our first day of school.

Have a safe and happy summer. Looking forward to meeting each and every student and family this September. Feel free to come to speak with me anytime.

Sara Riley Director

MEEC Notice

Hello MEEC families, it sure is a rainy stay inside kind of day. Our power here at Millbrook early childhood center has gone out once today. This is just a precautionary notice to all families with children in attendance today. If we lose power for an extended period of time we will close the center for the safety of our children and staff. A call will be sent out to all families with children in attendance today and it would be necessary for you to come and pick up your child/children as soon as physically possible. Any concerns please call Sara Riley Director of Millbrook Early Education Centre at 902-324-9331