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Be sure to include ALL relevant information (including the who, what, when, where, why and how to find out more).

Notice of June Millbrook Enterprise Credits

All applications received on or before June 23rd have been processed.

The Treaty Grant monies from that timeframe have been processed and disbursed.

After June 23rd, all applications are being manually processed and will be released on a weekly basis –- and mailed out via cheque each Thursday.

  • EX: An application received between Monday and Friday will result in the mailout the following Thursday.

Thank you for understanding.

Millbrook First Nation Competition Pow Wow
Summer Camp Information

Summer Camp Information

Registration day

  • July 8th at all the camp sites

Camp dates

Tiny Tots

  • Contact Jessica at (902) 957-0508 Registration on July 8th for them at Millbrook Early Education Centre.

  • Kids going into primary is July 11th to July 29th.

  • Kids going into grade 1 is August 1st to August 17th.


  • First day of camp is July 11th, and the last day of camp is August 17th.

Camp sites

  • Tiny Tots summer camp at the Millbrook Early Education Centre.

  • Sports summer camp at the Millbrook Gymnasium.

  • Recreation summer camp in the basement of the Community Hall.

  • Youth summer camp at the Youth Centre.

More information will be posted this month.

Solstice Run - Request for Volunteers

Solstice Run Request for Volunteers

The longest day of the year brings people together to celebrate the beauty of life and the value of community. Since 2016, the community of Millbrook has invited people to join Ulnooweg for their annual 5k Run, 10k Run, 2k Kid’s Run, and a post-run Summer Solstice Breakfast Social. This year’s run is also part of the 2022 Run Nova Scotia Road Race Series, allowing runners to add to their province-wide point total for the year. 

We need volunteers like you!

With so many start times and race routes, this is a complex event! Volunteers will help us run the registration, direct runner traffic, coordinate groups for the three start times, and supply water to runners..  

If you’re already a runner, one of the best reasons to volunteer is simply to give back to the community that provides you with so much joy. During a race if you’ve ever been thirsty, lost, or just needed a pick me up, then you already know the importance of marshals. But in the midst of running it’s all too easy to forget these people often provide this support to you for free. Turn the tables and volunteer for an event, and as well as giving back to the running community you might just be surprised at how good marshaling makes you feel.

Volunteering is a great way to participate in this much-loved yearly event. Marshalling provides all the same feel good factors that race day provides, without having to do anything but cheer! (And shepherd tired runners).

As a mission-critical volunteer, aside from making sure the runners’ day goes smoothly, you’ll get to participate in the festivities, grab a free tshirt, enjoy a morning outdoors, and relax with a free breakfast while chatting with your friends and neighbours. 

Register now to cheer your community onto victory, and help us run this event smoothly! 


Looking for volunteers for: Aid Stations, Registration, Route Marshals, Info Booth, Cheer Stations, Photographers, Package Pickup, and Post-Race fun!

  • June 17, 2022

    • 4pm Volunteer Orientation & Runner Registration

  • June 18, 2022

    • 7am Runner Registration & Kit Pickup

    • 8:15 First Race Starts

    • 10 AM Post-Run Breakfast

  • Register by emailing!

PSA: Vaccine outreach clinics offer drop-in vaccines in Central, Northern and Western zones 

PSA: Vaccine outreach clinics offer drop-in vaccines in Central, Northern and Western zones 


Friday, June 3, 2022


Nova Scotia Health’s COVID-19 vaccine outreach clinics will be offering drop-in vaccines next week in Central, Northern and Western zones to help support vaccine accessibility. 


Nova Scotians attending outreach clinics can receive their primary series – first, second and additional doses (if eligible) – or booster doses.


In rare cases, there may be higher demand than usual at vaccine outreach clinics. In these situations, those who are completing their primary series will be prioritized over those receiving booster doses.


The intervals between doses vary based on age, pregnancy and immunocompromised status.


Visit for the most up-to-date vaccine schedule.


COVID-19 vaccine clinics for various brackets (anyone aged 5+, just for kids 5-11, aged 12+) are listed chronologically under each zone below. 




Family Resource Centre of West Hants (Pfizer – anyone age 5+)

61 Morison Dr., Windsor

Wednesday, June 8 from 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.



Truro Public Library (Pfizer – anyone age 5+)

754 Prince St., Truro

Tuesday, June 7 from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.


New Glasgow Public Library (Pfizer – anyone age 5+)

182 Dalhousie St., New Glasgow

Wednesday, June 8 from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.




Freeport Fire Hall (Pfizer – anyone age 5+)

291 NS-217, Freeport

Monday, June 6 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Mahone Bay Centre (Pfizer – anyone age 5+)

45 School St., Mahone Bay

Monday, June 6 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Canning Multiplex (Pfizer – anyone age 5+)

977 J Jordan Rd., Canning

Friday, June 10 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


If you are attending an “all ages” clinic (5+), please note that children 5-11 will be moved to a separate line (different dose), which you can expect to move quickly. 


Find full details on upcoming clinics at: Please check back frequently for additional clinics, cancellations and time changes. 


Transportation to and from vaccine appointments can be organized through Rural Rides for $5 return. Visit to find the nearest provider. Transportation must be booked at least 24 hours in advance.


All eligible Nova Scotians are encouraged to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible. 


If you prefer to book a vaccine appointment in advance, please visit You can also book an appointment by calling 1-833-797-7772.Up-to-date information around COVID-19 cases and resources can be found  


Please note, vaccine outreach clinics are healthcare environments, and therefore masking is required for the safety of staff and visitors.

Nova Scotia - SENIORS CARE GRANT 2021-2022

The Seniors Care Grant helps eligible Nova Scotians aged 65 and over with the cost of services and chores they need done around their homes. 

The deadline for applications is on May 31, 2022. Funds can be used through November 30, 2022. 

With the deadline approaching, I’m hoping you will help us spread the word by forwarding this, as well as the attached application form to your members, networks, and/or people in your community.

The grant provides up to $500 for eligible seniors to help with expenses such as lawn care, small household repairs, delivery of groceries and medications, and other needs.

To qualify, older Nova Scotians must live independently and have a combined annual net household income of $37,500 or less. For clarification, proof of home ownership/leasing is not required, a copy of a utility bill in the senior’s name is sufficient.

Applications can be submitted online at, by mail or by fax. Application form link:  seniors-care-grant-application-form-en.pdf (

Attached you will find a fact sheet on the Seniors Care Grant as well as the application form. Anyone who has questions or needs more information can call 1-800-670-4357

We want to make sure older Nova Scotians are aware of the program, and those who are eligible apply for the grant. Thank you for your help!