If you want your news/articles to be promoted on this page, send your information to the Communications Department at communications@millbrookfn.ca.
Be sure to include ALL relevant information (including the who, what, when, where, why and how to find out more).
Holiday Hours will be in effect this coming week. Here’s a quick reference sheet to see what’s open when and who to call if needed.
Have a safe and happy holiday season!
Elver image via eeldepot.com
Millbrook Fisheries invites you to read the “Interim Millbrook First Nation Livelihood Katew (Elver) Fishing Plan” for some community feedback.
Please email elverlogs@mfnfisheries.ca to leave your comments on the plan. This plan has NOT yet been accepted by Chief & Council, who will greatly value your feedback. Commenting will close January 4.
Millbrook Chief, Council & Economic Development are excited for this new venture with our neighbouring Mi’kmaw communities Paq’tnkek, Annapolis Valley, Glooscap and We’koqma’q!
Congrats to all involved in making this happen!