With the increased presence of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HMFD) in the community, please take a look at the following information about the signs and symptoms of HFMD so that you can monitor any potential symptoms.
- Millbrook Health Centre
If you want your news/articles to be promoted on this page, send your information to the Communications Department at communications@millbrookfn.ca.
Be sure to include ALL relevant information (including the who, what, when, where, why and how to find out more).
Holiday Hours will be in effect this coming week. Here’s a quick reference sheet to see what’s open when and who to call if needed.
Have a safe and happy holiday season!
Millbrook Chief, Council & Economic Development are excited for this new venture with our neighbouring Mi’kmaw communities Paq’tnkek, Annapolis Valley, Glooscap and We’koqma’q!
Congrats to all involved in making this happen!